Tuesday 5 June 2012

Ooops, I'm technically Day 5 post transfer instead.

Sorry guys, I thought you counted the day of the transfer as day 1, but it should be day 0 instead. I will be going for my blood test tomorrow and it's supposedly to check on the progesterone levels.

I'm happy because that means I can eat Macdonalds! I cannot wait to eat my favourite sausage mcmuffin!! Being on a strict diet during this period of time makes me appreciate food better. I'm stuck with eating loads of proteins, guzzling down on egg whites till I'm sooo sick of them, eating fish and cutting down on fast food. I miss my KFC and Pizza very much. But this is a small price to pay in order for me to get my dreams of holding a baby in my arms!

Anyway, I'm not sure if I talked about the Utrogestan. It's something that looks like this.

These are the slippery little suckers that you have to insert in 3x a day, 8am, 3pm and 12midnight. What I do is, in the morning, I get up and have a quick shower and with one feet on the toilet, I insert 2 into my v. Then I clench my vaginal muscles and walk awkwardly to my bed and try and lie down for at least half an hour. Then I get up and have breakfast and then go back and sleep somemore. This is how I have been wasting my time around. Looks like I need to go out and buy a jigsaw puzzle to do something more constructive. Anyway we are having steamboat for dinner. Brother, sister and the hubs are all running late. Thank God I made cheesy pasta and had a little bite here and there, otherwise I will be a pissed off hungry mad woman.

In terms of symptoms wise today, I am feeling a little bit of cramps here and there which I attribute to gas. My nipples itch quite a bit and according to my sisters in the forum, it's because my skin is dry. Some body lotion there might help I guess. I am also feeling uber thirsty and sleepiness as usual. Showered twice today but still feel super warm.

Goodbye all. I'll come in and update tomorrow after the blood test.

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