Friday 25 May 2012


I can only say I have never been so tired in my entire life! I have no mood to do anything, playing with Bella, watching Gossip Girls, watching shows on Cable, you name it, I have no mood for it. I just want to sleep sleep sleep!

Earlier after knowing that I will be going for ER on Tuesday, I went with my ex colleague, Jerald for a movie and after that we went to play Left4Dead. Hahaha. This is prolly my last week to go out and act like a teenager before I embark on the treacherous journey of the 2 ww before maybe becoming a mama!

I honestly think it's the heat that has been getting to me. Not only it's making me feel sleepy it's also making me feel cranky! Thank God for air conditioning. I believe that it's the hormones that's causing me to feel warmer than usual. Man, I can barely keep my eyes open even while writing. So anyway, the plans for me for the next few days are as follows:

Sat: Last Puregon jab. This will be using the normal injections instead of using the pen. I was jabbed using the normal syringe and needles today and boy, it's painful! Thank God only 1 for tomorrow. I will also be on Orgalutran ( You may read up here.

Sun: 9am, Orgalutran. No puregon. 9pm, must go to KKH 24 hr for the Pregnyl jab. (ouch)

Mon: Everything as per normal. No food and drinks after 12 midnight.

Tues: Wow wow wow! The day of the ER! I will need to report to KKHIVF before 815am. R will need to submit his sperm sample to them first thing in the morning.After that I will be sedated (mmm, greatest feeling!) and then my precious eggs will be retrieved out of my body! Let's pray that they will all be of good sizing and that every single egg counts!

So that's my schedule for next week, all the way to the ER. Whatever happens next I am not too sure.

I'm thankful that my neighbour, K will be fetching me home from the ER. R has to work and since his probation is 6 months, he is unable to constantly be absent from work. So after the sperm submission he will have to go back to work. Parents (and in laws) are working, so they are definitely out. This is why I am thankful for wonderful neighbours like K.

Ok, time for bed. Can't stay awake any minute more. Goodnight world.


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