Friday, 8 June 2012

Things I do to keep myself sane.

If you are like me, who quit your job to focus on baby making full time, you will find the 2 week wait more excruciating than ever. So in order to keep myself sane, I have came up with a list of things I did while waiting for the final answer, pregnant or not.

1. Blogging - I have decided to create a blog so that when I eventually do get pregnant, I will be able to look back and praise myself for having the guts and perseverance to go through the IVF. I will also show the blog to my kids when they get older so they know how much their mama loves them.

2. Playing games on Facebook. I either play the Sims Social or Double Down Casino. When I get bored, I stalk other people's facebook page. Hahah.

3. I watch videos on youtube. It depends on mood really, somedays the cable on tv is enough to keep me occupied. This also includes watching dvds and taiwan/korean dramas.

4. My extremely tough but fun jigsaw puzzle. I have finished making the edges of the puzzle. Now I gotta start doing the middle portions.

5. Eat and sleep. I know I'm cheating when I say this, but I have been sleeping a lot more lately. The rest has done wonders for my eyes (I no longer have dark eye rings and huge eye bags) but it's not helping in my tummy area cause I feel like I am putting a lot more weight than usual.

6. Mahjong. I play Penang mahjong, you only need 3 people and the person who throws out the card for the other person to win pays for all.

7. Reading other people's signs and symptoms during their 2ww.

Come to think about it, this is what I've been doing for the past 2 weeks! No wonder I put on weight. So for today's symptoms:

I felt my boobies are still sore, I have weird sharp cramps that are a lot more obvious than yesterday. There's a tightness in my lower abdomen area and I feel warm and cranky as usual. This morning I felt a little nausea after taking the essence of chicken. I stopped eating durians and have also stopped the LRD tea as it's very warm and I don't wanna be too heaty. I also have back pains and feel the need to lie down more often. Still taking naps in the afternoon but have a lot of vivid dreams. Last night I even dreamt of having sex! Hahaha.. Don't wanna go into too much details, but I hope all these are signs of a pregnancy looming ahead!

I also wish to thank everybody who has been reading my blog. Readership has gone up from 20 to 290++ within a day. I know this may not be the most interesting blog in the cyberspace, but knowing that people are reading gives me a motivation to write better. I'll still be keeping it real, because ultimately, this is my personal journey to motherhood and I don't wanna lie or bullshit about any detail! So once again my readers. I hope whatever I have shared or am sharing helps you in one way or another!

So to reward you my readers, you guys shall be one of the first few people to know this. I just tested a faint positive on Fortels HPT. R and I are hoping this is it, and not a false positive. I nearly gave up when I didn't see anything but after about 5 minutes or so, a very distinct faint line appeared. Let's hope we are able to get a better indication soon. I am really praying for the best. Do keep me in your prayers my dears. And if you wish for me to say a prayer for you, just leave me a comment and I will say a little prayer for you before I go to bed.

Goodnight all and if you are going to be doing the deed tonight, remember to elevate those hips!



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