Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Acronyms and mind twisters

I'm sure if you're like me, who have been trying for a baby and busy stalking pregnancy forums, you would have come across a whole array of mind boggling acronyms used freely by the ladies. So to help you get through the conversations while understanding that alien language, I have searched and found a list of words commonly used in the forums.

AF - Aunt Flo
BCP - Birth Control Pills
BFP or BFN - Big Fat Positive or a Big Fat Negative
BW - Bloodwork
CD - Cycle Day
CM - Cervical Mucus
DE - Donor Eggs
DH - Darling Husband
DPR - Days Post Retrieval
DPT - Days Post Transfer
DS - Donor Sperm
DX - Diagnosis
ED - Egg Donor
FET - Frozen Embryo Transfer
FSH - Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
GS - Gestational Syrrogate
HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
ICSI = Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
IUI - Intrauterine Insemination
IVF - Invitro Fertilization
M/C - Miscarriage
MF - Male Factor
OHSS - Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit
PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
POAS - Peeing on a Stick
POF - Premature Ovarian Failure
PGD- Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
Prog or P4 - Progesterone
PUPO - Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise
RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist
SA - Semen Analysis
TTC - Trying to Conceive
U/S - Ultrasound

Hopefully the above helps in deiphering the chats.


I am counting down to the day of the blood test which is on Friday. I cannot wait for the final result and the hcg levels in my body. I cannot wait and wish I can fast forward time. I'm sure many of you will understand what I'm talking about.

My usual symptoms for today:

- very bad gastric pains in the morning, probably due to the acid reflux. Must go Watsons and buy Gaviscon later.
- some mild cramps on and off, nothing too painful but quite noticeable.
- a bit of nausea in the afternoon after eating half a bread.
- fatigue, I slept around 11 plus am and woke up at 3pm.
- hungry easily but couldn't eat much
- thirsty and warm
- painful boobies.
- bloated stomach
- strong smelling pee

I also forgot to add that around Day 10 after embryo transfer, I had lightning pains shooting within my lower abdomen area. They were painful enough to wake me up from sleep.

So now I am staying at my mum's place and since we have a helper, I have decided that we are going to make the chicken essence from scratch. Pics and instructions will be posted up once my grandma teaches us how to do it. If it is confirmed that I am indeed pregnant, I will do everything it takes to ensure a smooth and safe pregnancy for my baby/babies. I have waited far too long for this and I will do all I can to take care of myself. I cannot afford to be careless and do anything that may potentially harm the baby.


As promised, here are some pictures of Bella growing up.

Bella's first week at our place.

Bella found sleeping in this position which we later found out is her fav position.

Bella in her bed with her toys and my tshirt so she will smell me and feel safe when sleeping at night.

Naughty Bella's guilty and sad face after being scolded for chewing wires.

Miss Pose-A-Lot

Hope you guys like the pictures. I love this baby to bits and hope you love her as much as I do!




  1. Bella is so so cute~! I dont have a dog, but I do enjoy giving my friend's retriever a tummy rub. Dogs love it!

  2. So cutie!!! I had a maltese once..but dogs need much more attention than cats..hehe im lazy thus i changed to cats after my doggie died :)
