Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Happy news!

I had my first scan yesterday. This could probably be the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. It is so difficult to put to words the emotions that ran through me when I saw my babies inside me for the first time. At first the sonographer was unable to locate the babies' heartbeats. After a while of prodding and moving around, she managed to see the flicker which was to be their heartbeat. I was so relieved and felt so sure that this pregnancy will be viable and I will soon be one of those mummies carrying their babies happily. I actually teared during the scan because I have waited so long for this and I thank God I am finally able to experience motherhood.

For now, my body is no longer just mine. It belongs to my two babies as well. My two babies who will be relying on me to provide them with the necessary nutrients needed for their growth. I cannot wait for them to grow bigger so we get to see more. I will be switching doctors very soon because Dr Sadhana does not do deliveries so I will be seeing Dr Matthew Lau instead in 3 weeks time. R was very nice to have paid for the scans upfront so I need not worry about paying for it each time I go for my checkups. Dr Sadhana said that my pregnancy is considered high risk because I am carrying 2, and that no sex for the whole duration of the pregnancy is allowed. Haha. Imagine the look on R's face when she said that. I also do not have clearance for travel and was told to 'stay put'. I am willing to do anything it takes to ensure the well being of my babies so I will need to find something else to do for the next... 8 months.


In terms of symptoms wise, my morning sickness comes and goes. I think I am one of the few lucky ones who don't suffer too much. Dr Sadhana said it might get worst as the pregnancy progresses, but we shall see. :) I have mild constipation now as well, I used to be able to have a smooth morning shit, but lately, it has gone all hay wired so I am drinking loads of water hopefully to counter it. Boobies still hurt but not as much, stomach seems to be bloated still and I have since gone off pork completely. I crave for orange juice and fruits. I now love apples and sometimes crave for oranges as well. That's really weird. I wonder if it's my body telling me I need more Vitamin C. I have also been having some headaches on and off and I sometimes sleep so that I need not take any painkillers. Small sacrifices, I keep reminding myself.

Right now, I am wishing for the weather to be less warm and cooler so I don't feel so irritated easily. Time to take a nap, I'll catch up with you all again soon.



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