Saturday, 22 September 2012

18 weeks and counting..

Pardon the lack of posts. I had been trying to deal with mild levels of depression coupled with days of extreme laziness and found no motivation to blog at all.

Yes, we are at week 18, going to 19. Let's first talk about some of the changes that happened over the past few weeks.

1. Obvious tummy growth. I think my 2 babies went through a growth spurt and it's pretty evident now I'm pregnant. I no longer look like I ate too many pies and have a fat stomach. It's nicely rounded and I proudly stick it out at every opportunity I get.

2. Breast changes. The aerolas seem to have a mind of its own and have decided to expand in size. Someone from the facebook group told me that the nipples will expand and darken as the pregnancy progresses. This is to make the nipples more obvious for the baby and make it easier to latch. (not too sure how true it is, but it kinda makes sense.)

3. Stretch marks. I am beginning to see the formation of some new battle scars. They look angry and red, but to me, they are a reminder of what I am going through and in future, what I've been through in order to have these 2 babies.

4. Change in appetite. I keep feeling that foods either taste too salty or too sweet and it puts me off. I like my food bland and as complicated as possible for now. This is good news for R as he need not drive around the whole of Singapore to satisfy my weird cravings.

5. Morning sickness returns with a vengeance. I no longer am able to brush my teeth in the mornings without first puking out an obscene amount of orange-jy bile. There I'll spend at least a good whole minute trying to compose myself while willing the stomach not to hurl. I'll be heaving and puffing like a blowfish while clutching my stomach and feeling ultra shitty.


I think that's about the changes for the past few weeks. I meant to post up a decent pic of my tummy (fully clothe) but am lazy to transfer the picture over, so I gotta wait till I'm in the mood then I shall do it.

So the night before I woke up a few times feeling extreme cramps in my lower abdomen area and I honestly thought I had very bad urinary infection or what. It got so bad I wasn't able to walk and would have to sit and wait for it to subside. The tummy would also feel rock hard at the same time and I would simply rub a few times thinking that the baby is stretching or what. Little did I know that the pain I felt was contractions and it's a sign of early labour. Prof was pretty shocked that I waited 2 hours to see him when I should have just gone to A&E straight. But honestly, how was I to know those crampy feelings were in fact contractions? I mean, I have not had babies before, so I wouldn't even know what labour feels like. Hehehe.. So anyway, I am on Adalat 10mg twice a day + had a jab so I think I should be fine. Bed rest for the next few days again, but I did tell the doctor that I have to go shopping first week of October so he's willing to compromise on that if I promise to bed rest after. =) Gosh, just when I thought I have the green light to go out and 'hiao', I have to stay in bed again. This pregnancy is so full of mini surprises! Ok, the Adalat seems to be making me sleepy, so am off to use the Baby Plus and nap.

I will touch on the BabyPlus on my next post. In the meantime, do take care readers!




  1. hi! Came by to ask you for your email address? Cos im inviting you as an invited reader to read my blog :)

  2. Hi, Felicia here. Think you send me your blog link as well but I can't see it and can't reply you to say that... :(
